College of the Siskiyous (COS) is a California public community college near the northern border of Oregon serving approximately 45,000 residents in Siskiyou County, one of California’s largest counties (almost the size of New Jersey). The main campus in Weed, California, sits at the base of Mount Shasta, a towering volcanic mountain reaching over 14,000 feet in elevation in one of the most beautiful and ecologically diverse regions in the world. The College also operates a satellite campus in Yreka, 30 miles north of Weed, and marking the northernmost college in California.
College of the Siskiyous is widely recognized for its excellent programs in the humanities and arts, the sciences and technology, and in athletics, as well as career and technical programs in business/computer science, EMS-Paramedic, fire, and welding. Its Fire/Emergency Response Technology Program is approved as an accredited regional academy for the State Fire Marshal’s Office.
What struck me on my visit is that the campus is accessed via the hills and highways that were nearly destroyed in a series of fires over the last two decades. Among the most famous are the Boles Fire, which drove over a hundred people from their homes in 2014, and the Mill Fire that in 2022 burned 3,935 Acres and drove over 7,000 people from their homes. The fires earned national headlines, and the heroes from the California Fire Marshal’s Office that contained the flames and saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of residents leaned heavily on the College’s students, faculty, and graduates.
The College’s Fire/Emergency Response Technology Program provides a direct conduit between students and a career in the fire service. It is designed to provide the pre-employment skills required for the career firefighter. The program is approved as an Accredited Regional Training Program by the California State Board of Fire Services. The accredited status allows COS to operate as an arm of the State Fire Training Office and to test and issue certificates locally.
Chris Delcour is the Fire Technology Faculty and Program Coordinator and was happy to provide more information about this critically important program at COS.
The Fire Technology curriculum prepares students for careers in a variety of areas in the Fire Service and are designed to meet local, state, and federal levels of training. The coursework consists of Degree Core Classes, State Firefighter I & 2 Academy (Fall) and continued education classes in the following tracks: Technical Rescue, HazMat, Company Officer, Fire Prevention, Fire Instructor, Wild-Land Firefighter, and Fire Command. The program allows students to complete an Associate of Arts degree or an Associate in Science degree for transfer to a California State University, and the academic rigor of the Fire Technology program prepares students to be highly competitive candidates for positions in the Fire Technology industry.
Erik Konula is an Adjunct Instructor at COS and Battalion Chief of the Woodland, CA Fire Department.
“In my opinion, the Fire Technology program at COS is the best in Northern California. We have trained firefighters from all over the State. I really enjoy teaching at COS.”

The Siskiyous Fire Technology program works hand in hand with Local, State and National Forest Service fire departments to support their training and career development needs. Siskiyous Fire Technology Program meets quarterly with the County Fire Advisory panel to discuss the needs of the community and how the program can apply its resources to meet community needs. Siskiyous Fire Technology program has intentionally scheduled courses so that students can complete courses prior to the ever-growing fire season. This allows the Cadets to be immediately eligible for employment. The last Fire Academy yielded a 95% job placement rate with the majority of Cadets employed in Siskiyou County.
Former and current students of the Fire Technology Program at COS shared what the program and training has meant to them and their career paths.
Mac Wolmar is a Firefighter for the CalFire/Siskiyou Unit and a Fire Academy 44 Graduate.
“The fire technology program successfully prepared me for a career in the fire service. It gave me the foundational skills and knowledge to begin my career, and came with the added bonus of advice and insight into how to make myself successful in the firehouse.”

Stephanie Wroten is a Siskiyous Fire Technology Student and is the Director of TRiO at College of the Siskiyous.
“Being part of the Siskiyous community continues to be a rewarding experience. After earning my associates degree from our institution, I returned to the classroom fifteen years later to begin my next career in Fire Technology. Our program provides us with a complete 360-degree perspective on fire safety and technology, while fully submersing us into true situational experiences as part of training. Encouragement amongst the faculty and support staff is phenomenal; I am excited to complete this new endeavor and proud to be an eagle.”
To learn more about College of the Siskiyous, visit their website at